诚信 务实 敬业 奉献
HCT-202409-01 ECHA Launches public consultation on six potential Substances of Very High Concern
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HCT-202409-01 ECHA对六项潜在的SVHC展开公众评议
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HCT-202408-02 Update again:ECHA announced a new inorganic SVHC intention substance
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HCT-202408-02 再次更新:ECHA又公布一项新的无机SVHC意向物质
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HCT-202408-01 EU publishes second edition of the technical guide metals and alloys in food contact m
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HCT-202408-01 欧盟发布第二版食品接触材料和制品的金属和合金技术指南
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HCT-202407-07 EU releases REACH revision draft, plans to add two substance restriction requirements
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HCT-202407-07 欧盟发布REACH修订草案,拟新增两项物质限用要求
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HCT-202407-06 The EU releases a draft amendment to the POPs regulation, proposing additional restric
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HCT-202407-06 欧盟发布POPs修订草案,拟议增加UV328限用要求