HCT_Environmental detection_ Air quality inspection_ Electronic and electrical testing

Environmental monitoring and services

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Oil station, oil depot oil and gas monitoring

In order to strengthen the control of oil and gas pollution emissions and further improve the quality of the atmosphere, the state developed oil and gas emission standards, comprehensive oil storage depots, gas stations and tanker trucks of oil and gas emission pollution treatment. In accordance with the provisions of the new, altered and expanded oil storage depots, gas stations and new tanker trucks, must be installed oil and gas pollution control devices or facilities, after treatment to meet the requirements of the national oil and gas pollution emission standards.

Related standards 

  • Emission Standards for Air Pollutants from Oil Storage Depots (GB20950-2020)

  • Emission Standards for Gasoline Transportation Air Pollutants (GB20951-2020)

  • Emission Standards for Air Pollutants from Gasoline Stations (GB20952-2020)

  • Emission Control and Limitation of Oil and Gas Emissions from Gasoline Stations DB11/208-2003

  • Technical Specification for Acceptance Testing of Air Pollution Control Projects for Oil Storage Depots and Gasoline Stations HJ/T431-2008

Testing items 

Gas station oil and gas emissionsGas-liquid ratio detection, system tightness detection, liquid resistance detection, oil and gas concentration detection
Fuel Depot InspectionOil and gas concentration detection


HCT Hongcai Testing provides professional testing services for gasoline gasoline emission concentrations from existing gasoline stations and storage depots, as well as environmental impact assessment and completion acceptance of new, modified and expanded gasoline station projects, in accordance with national regulations on gasoline gasoline emission limits, control technology requirements and testing methods, if you have relevant testing needs, please contact us.

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